Victory Word Center in Tokyo, Japan

by Spencer Patrick | Uncategorized

Praise the name of Jesus! God is so good and is a blessing to us and all we do.

Mariko and I returned from a wonderful time in the US. We had a refreshing time in Washington and Oregon just enjoying our family, old friends, and meeting with the members and pastor of the church where I got saved in 1978. It is amazing to see how far God has brought us. He is so good.

VWC Tokyo
We have seen such growth in the people at our Friday church. We have been focusing on small groups for the last several months on Fridays and on kids on Sundays. I am amazed at the growth we are seeing in both meetings.

The Lord spoke to Mariko as we were praying one morning and gave us the word EXCELLENCE for our ministry. We have to focus on doing the right thing and there is no time to waste with things or even people who are not willing to change.

At the Heritage of Faith Ministerial meeting, we were reminded of how important it is to have a vision for your ministry or job or whatever. If your vision and goals are fixed, you can avoid the distractions of life and keep focused on accomplishing what God has called you to.

We’ve been feeding VWC members the Word diligently and we are really starting to see the solid responses. People are getting excited, getting into His Word and being changed. People you expect to go deeper sometimes fall off; while others you think would never make it are hungering for more of Him.

Blast off!
We’ve been focusing on building our core group and in the meantime the Lord spoke to me about the focus of our monthly outreach meetings.

We’re kicking off this campaign with a new style worship service on the third Friday of each month.

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Spencer Patrick is an entrepreneur, a business professional, a musician, weight lifter, judo coach, an author, a missionary and a pastor ministering the Kingdom of God. Most importantly he is a follower of Jesus. In Washington state, he was called into ministry at Cedar Springs Camp in 1983 and later founded Joy Inexpressible Ministries on 4 July 1993 as a young adult.

He was licensed in 2003 and ordained for ministry by Dr. Jerry Savelle at Heritage Christian Center on September 10th, 2004 and started Victory Word Church in June of 2005 in Tokyo, Japan.

He was trained for ministry in the Assemblies of God in the United States as well as under Rhema Bible Training Center's Bob Yandian, and served for 6 years as a missionary in Asia. He has started and runs several businesses in Japan, Korea, and the United States referring to himself as a Faith Professional who is passionate about Jesus.

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