We Are the Church!

by Jim Harper | Uncategorized

It is a wonderful thing to be growing in Christ and developing our character to shine more in this world for Him. In these last days, it is our life that is becoming the primary tool used by God to reach others. Over the last several decades, God has used multiple tools which included Christian tracks, Bible study groups, Church outreaches, large and small scale evangelistic meetings, and the list goes on and on.

Many of these activities were an expression of organized religion and they worked great. As the seasons in God change, His primary tools change as well. Over the course of the last 10 years, God’s primary focus has been shifting from the “organized” religious activities to “relational.” He is anointing His children to go out into the world and shine our light in ways it has never been done before.

We are not just to bring individuals to church buildings and activities, but to be church to them! We are the church and we are having church all the time! No matter where you are or what you are doing, know that you are the church and to some people in your life you might be the only church they will ever know.

In our outreach to Russian and German communities in America, we have been seeing God’s hand and anointing in our daily activities with these people. Most of them have never been to church and have no intention of going to a building, but they are looking for God. These pre-Christians are ready to be harvested!

Recently our new acquaintances from Russia visiting in the US came to our house for dinner. They knew about our faith and as we talked, the mother was asking more and more questions. Before we knew it, she asked: “Do you have a copy of that prayer you are talking about, the prayer to receive Jesus and be born again?”

I told her that we could pray right there and I would help her. She was ready. As she prayed, the Holy Spirit touched her and when she was done, she said she felt her whole body tremble.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It is the Holy Spirit touching your heart.” I answered.

She went home filled with God with a Bible in her hand. She had never read the Bible before and was a little concerned that she wouldn’t be able to understand it, but we helped eliminate her fears. Her husband is a scientist and doesn’t believe in God, but now she is equipped to start praying for him to be turned around and face the true living God.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support which make reaching all these precious people possible! We will be traveling to Russia and Belarus. We are believing for many miracles and divine connections as we shine our light in places God sends us to. Please continue to pray with us for all those we support and minister to in the former USSR.

Matt. 28.19 “Go then and make disciples of all nations…”

Jim Harper Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Jim has been an active leader in the local church for many years. Some of the areas he has worked in include pastoring, teaching, altar counseling, singles ministry, youth ministry, prison ministry, ministry to the deaf, evangelistic outreaches, church building projects, hosting mission teams, and church planting.

Jim ministers with an emphasis on teaching and facilitating unity among believers. For many years now his heart has been stirred to serve the Lord abroad with a calling to the Russian-speaking people wherever they may be. Jim has helped many in this people group to know Christ and grow in their relationship with Him. Jim has also worked in the Far East of Russia. There he assisted the Christian churches in the areas of growth and unity by giving counsel conducting seminars and leadership schools.

Jim Harper is married to Tanya and they have three children: Anna Marie, Natasha Joy and Jimmy Andrew.

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