A Prayer for Our Nation and the Elections

by Tim Burt | Articles, Leadership

Lord, your Word teaches us in that every person should submit themselves to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which you have established. We thank you for leading and guiding America’s forefathers in establishing the Constitution of the United States and the laws of our land. We thank you for the right to vote for those who we elect in leading our nation. We also understand that this right is a God-given privilege which should be prayed over and guided by your Spirit. So guide us, dear Lord!

Dear Lord, not everyone believes in you. Not everyone knows you. Many will make choices for this election guided by their own heart and minds with no regard for you. We know that when Christians do not pray and seek you for guidance and help in their daily life, that they can become as carnal as the world which does not know you. This was never the plan for those you call your own. Without repentance and your mercy and grace, our nation could become just like any other pagan nation. Please forgive us of our sin. Please turn us from wickedness. Please deliver us from those that surround us with wickedness. Please help us elect leaders that give place to your gospel and help us live our lives according to your Word. Please help each and every one of us to live wholeheartedly for you.

Dear Lord, for the sake of all believers living in the United States of America and your gospel reaching the world, we pray that you will raise up godly and righteous men and women of faith that will help lead this nation in the path you created for it, and to bless Israel and this world. We pray that the prosperity of American and the influence of Christianity will ripple and flow into all the nations of the world. We pray that you will deliver this nation from wicked and evil men and women who do not have faith and that hinder the gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that you would surround all leaders in our nation with those who do know you and walk in your wisdom and insight. We pray that those who don’t know you will embrace and walk in the counsel and help that comes from those that do know and love you and walk in your ways.

We also pray for all those Christians who know you and who you’ve given the right to vote, who have neglected it in the past. We pray that you would move in their hearts and instruct and strengthen their heart to participate in this election through voting, and lead them as they do.

Lord, we pray that following this election, the slandering and division that has overtaken our land would end. We pray that all people would be treated equally under necessary law and order, and that justice would be adjudicated with the mercy of God. We bind the chaos that comes from lawlessness, and we pray for strong laws that are enforced that lead to people living in a greater peace and unity with all people working to provide for their families and contribute to our society’s welfare and peace.

Lord, you said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” We pray that the United States of America would always be that nation! We pray for a revival amongst the people of this nation. We pray that your Word would tear down all forms of ungodliness in the hearts of those who love you, and reach those that don’t. We pray that revival would turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. We pray that your Word would be learned and known and lived and taught by parents to their children, and to their children’s children.

And finally, Lord, we pray that you would bless, give wisdom and guidance, and strengthen the military of the United States of America and the governing bodies that enforce the laws of our land, that they would, under your divine protection, succeed in protecting our nation under you!

Have mercy on us, dear Lord, we pray! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Copyright © Fresh Manna by Tim Burt
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Timothy Burt is a pastor, author, and writer. He is best known as the author of Fresh Manna, a daily devotional and online Bible study.

Pastor Tim became a part of the leadership team at Living Word Christian Center in 1984 and was an Associate Pastor from 1989 until May 31st, 2017. He and His wife Renee, also a Pastor at Living Word, resigned after being a part of Living Word for 33 years on May 31, 2017. They felt impressed by God to pursue the tremendous growth of their ministry "Fresh Manna," as well as teaching conferences and seminars and increasing their involvement in the mission field through Tim and Renee Burt Ministries. Tim has a Bachelor of Theology degree and is a Christian blogger who has been writing a daily inspirational and teaching devotion three days a week called "Fresh Manna" for the past 22 years. It has been read in over 227 countries (official countries and territories). Tim was named one of the top 55 blogging Pastors. He is one of the top Social Media influencers in Minnesota with a strong presence on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TimBurt with over 187,000 followers. Between Tim's Fresh Manna Devotional and Twitter influence, he virally averages reaching over 4 million people daily with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God.

Prior to working at LWCC, he worked at Northwest Airlines for 13 years. In 1985 he founded and was President of American Infant Care Products which marketed his patented invention, the first fold-down commercial infant changing table now used worldwide in public restrooms.

In their tenure at Living Word, Timothy Burt and his wife Renee created a Small Group Ministry when the church was about 800 people in size. Under the leadership of Sr. Pastors Mac and Lynne Hammond, the church grew to over 10,000 people. Pastor Tim and Renee led a diverse Small Group Ministry of over 200 groups. Tim also led weekly men's groups and a monthly Men's Breakfast of 250 plus men called Manhood for 27 years. Tim's responsibilities also included oversight over the Visitor and Member Relations Department, Leadership and Volunteer Development, and the Pastoral Care Department. Pastor Tim was also the Minnesota State Director of Christians United for Israel from 2006 thru 2017.

Tim and Renee are the parents of four children and have seven grandchildren. Tim loves to write, golf, run, and walk, and is a master gardener. He is a five-time marathon finisher. He is also a three-time award-winning gardener winning the Grand Prize in his city for his beautiful home garden and is a Master Gardener for the University of Minnesota's Master Gardener Extension Program.

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