A Shift in Finances

by Vikki Burke | Enriching Life Daily

The natural power of wealth has influenced every society from the beginning of history. Money has been at the center of the rise and fall of every great empire. Whoever controlled the wealth could control governments and nations.

The god of this world, Satan, has held on to the wealth in the earth with a clinched fist. He has manipulated and controlled multitudes through greed and materialism. He has gripped the earth’s wealth as though it were all his—but it is not.

Notice what Psalm 24:1 says who the earth’s wealth belongs to. It says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein” (NKJV). Again in First Corinthians 10:26 it says, “For the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (NLT).

All that is in the earth ultimately belongs to God. Yet, He did not create it for Himself, He created it for His family to enjoy—that’s you and me!

The time has come when God is moving the earth’s wealth out of the control of the wicked and ungodly, and into the hands of His family.

Satan’s stronghold is about to be exposed and destroyed. The control of the earth’s finances is shifting and being transferred into the hands of those who will honor God with it.
Among many religious people there has long been a sense that wealth was dangerous and certainly could not be spiritual. It has been blamed for corruption, compromise, and the endangering of all that is holy.

Yet, wealth and money do not cause evil. Notice what First Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (KJV).

It is not money that causes evil, but the love of money. There are many poor people who fall into this category.

Money only amplifies the inner qualities someone already possesses.

If there are deep-rooted flaws in a person’s character, once they receive wealth those flaws will come to the surface and be seen. Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33 NKJV). When a person has the money to do what he wants, we will find out what he really wanted all along.

However, if our hearts are turned toward God, and His will is the desire of our hearts, natural wealth will become the tool that amplifies God’s plan that is to be accomplished through our lives. Then these plans will move from existing only in our hearts to manifesting in our lives. The projects the Lord has given people: the vision for ministry, land, equipment, and all the other things needed to fulfill the calling of God can now be financed.

Dennis Burke Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Vikki and Dennis began as youth pastors in 1973 in Southern California where they received tremendous insight into the work of the local church. In 1976, they moved to Ft. Worth, Texas, to work with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Vikki worked with KCM for three years before entering full-time ministry with her husband. Since that time, their relationship and involvement with Kenneth Copeland Ministries has continued. Vikki and Dennis have had numerous articles published in the Believer's Voice of Victory magazine.

Vikki has spoken in several nations including Australia, Japan, and Canada. She has ministered on television, radio, in women's conferences and marriage seminars. Her desire is to see people raised to a higher level of living through the Word of God. By acting on Gods principles, Vikki has obtained a testimony of victory and imparts encouragement to others.

Throughout the years, Vikki and Dennis have pursued new avenues of reaching people. The Lord has continued to expand their vision. Their dedication has affected thousands as they are impacting God's people with the love of God.

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