I knew I was already saved, but I also knew that I was getting older and had not really given God my whole heart. So I was saved when I was 13, but I really gave God my all when I was 14.
I believe the main reason I didn’t give God my all when I was initially saved was because no one ever gave me answers to the questions I would naturally have as a new Christian—and no one gave me the scriptures I would need to stand on when doubts began to enter my mind.
But that second year, when I walked down the aisle, the revival preacher’s wife was in the back of the church. She was waiting for all of us who had been saved that night. As soon as she got us all together, she began to drill us with questions.
She knew that by the next day we would be asking ourselves these same things and that, for sure, the devil would be throwing questions at us—questions like: How do you know you are saved? How do you know God accepts you? How do you know God forgives your sins?
After she had drilled us for a while, I began to cry and think to myself, “I thought this was supposed to be fun, and here she is making me cry my eyes out…making me feel guilty.”
After I had cried a little bit, she began to explain. “Now listen, the reason I drill you so carefully is because the devil is going to question you, and he is going to ask you these same things.”
As soon as I quit sniffling, she began to answer the questions. I was so thankful to have been given the beginning of a firm foundation on which to start my new life.
A Word Foundation
There are answers in the Bible for what you need if you have a desire to be saved, or if you have recently been saved, and need a solid base, as I did, on which to stand.
It’s important that you confess (repeat out loud), on a daily basis, the scriptures listed below until you feel you are strong enough in your spirit to stand against the devil no matter what questions or accusations he may throw at you.
You see, Satan will work against you by putting his “doubt words” into your mind, hoping you’ll dwell on them and accept them. The way to fight against them is to dwell on and confess God’s “faith words.”
“Just as a baby needs nourishment when it is first born in the flesh, so a new Christian needs nourishment when he or she is born again in the Spirit” (John 3:1-8). After repeating these scriptures for a while, strength will begin to come into your spirit just as strength begins to come into a baby’s body by feeding on milk.
First Peter 2:2 tells us, “Like newborn babies you should crave—thirst for, earnestly desire—the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto (completed) salvation.”
You should never totally stop confessing these scriptures—not even after you have “grown up” in the Lord. Every believer, no matter how long he or she has been a Christian, is engaged in a continual battle with Satan from the moment of salvation.
The good thing is that although we Christians are in a continual battle, we have the promise that greater is He (Jesus) Who is in us than he (the devil) who is in the world…and that the battle is the Lord’s (1 John 4:4; Ex. 14:14). He is there to help us.
Back To The Basics
Well, by the time that preacher’s wife had gotten through with me, I knew that when the devil came at me I could say: “This is how I know I am saved. This is how I know God accepts me. This is how I know God the Father forgives me. I am His child, adopted into His family through Romans 8:23. I’m grafted in, and I’m part of the Kingdom. Devil, you can’t steal my salvation from me!”
Now here is your self-defense against the negative thoughts and doubts the devil will try to put into your mind and get down into your heart so you’ll start believing them.
Take these scriptures and use them as a confession against the devil so that no matter what he or anybody else says, you can answer: “Wait a minute. This is how I know I’m saved, accepted, forgiven and a child of God, a part of the Kingdom. It’s not based on feelings, but on God’s Word.”
Self-Defense Salvation Scriptures to Confess
How do I know I am saved?
How do I know God accepts me?
How do I know God forgives my sins?
John 3:16: “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He (even) gave up His only-begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish—come to destruction, be lost—but have eternal (everlasting) life.”
Romans 10:9-10 KJV: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Romans 8:15-16,23: “For (the Spirit which) you have now received (is) not a spirit of slavery to put you once more into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption—the Spirit producing sonship—in (the bliss of) which we cry Abba! (That is,) Father! The Spirit Himself (thus) testifies together with our own spirit, (assuring us) that we are the children of God…
“…And not only the creation, but we ourselves too, who have and enjoy the first fruits of the (Holy) Spirit—a foretaste of the blissful things to come—groan inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies (from sensuality and the grave, which will reveal) our adoption (our manifestation as God’s sons).”
Genesis 1:26-27: God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the (tame) beasts, and over all of the earth, and over every thing that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; make and female He created them.”
Basically, God said to you and me, “I love you so much that I am going to make you just like Me.” And now that God has made us, every chance he gets the devil comes along and says to us: “You’re not anything. You’re nobody. You’re not worth anything.” And many among us believe the devil’s lies.
Our “Contract” With God
One day it dawned on me that God has given us a contract, and it’s the Bible. When we have a lack of knowledge about our contract, it’s hard for us to stop the devil from causing us to break that contract.
But when we get the knowledge of what this contract says, we have the right to resist the devil and say to him: “No, devil, you cannot force me to break the contract because it is legal and binding. It is an agreement between my Father God and me, through Jesus, and He is the judge and jury, not you. You cannot make me break my contract.”
The contract states that you and I are “somebody” to God and that He can and will do great and wonderful things in us and through us and around us. But we have to take authority over our surroundings in the name of Jesus and say: “this is my contract and, devil, in the name of Jesus you will not cause me to break it. I am ‘somebody’ to God.”
You need to know today that this is your day—you can rise up! You may not know that you are “somebody” to God, but the contract states that you are (Gen.1:26-27).
As a believer, you have a rich inheritance through your contract with God because of the death of Jesus Christ for your sins. In Christ you are SOMEBODY!
Excerpt permission granted by Praise Books
Harry and Cheryl Salem are ministers of the gospel. They are parents to sons, Harry III and Roman. Roman has married a beautiful young lady, Stephanie, and she has become their daughter-in-love. Healing and restoration have come full circle for the Salem family with the miracle birth of Roman and Stephanie’s baby girl, Mia Gabrielle. She is named for their daughter, Gabrielle Christian, who is in heaven since 1999. Their latest joy will be arriving in March 2017 with Roman and Stephanie’s second miracle baby of restoration for the Salem Family!
The Salems have seen the altars flooded with people receiving salvation, with countless re-dedications, with miraculous healings and with bodies, lives, marriages and souls being restored because of His mighty anointing!
Cheryl was crowned Miss America 1980, but tremendous adversities nearly ended that dream before it began. As a young girl, she survived a horrific car crash that cracked her back and crushed her left leg, resulting in a physical handicap and over 100 stitches in her face.
Eleven years old, poor, crippled and scarred… but a miracle, too! This was the outlook Cheryl chose, as she had been told that she might not ever walk again. But walk, she did! And she walked the runway in Atlantic City, against all odds, all because of Jesus.
Harry’s father passed away when Harry was 10 years old, leaving him with a mandate to be the man of the house, to never cry, and to take care of his mother and sisters. This challenge caused Harry to excel, but to also grow up with a cautious outlook on life.
He quickly made a name for himself in the corporate world, becoming a major executive before the age of 30, but he knew that there was more. He and Cheryl met, married and started their family, but it wasn’t until the mid-nineties that Harry had an encounter with God that changed him forever. He let go of the pain of growing up without his father and the stress of the mantle that had been placed on his shoulders at such a young age. He began to trust God – and he has never looked back.
Cheryl has recorded numerous music CDs, the latest being I Am A Worshiper. The most popular worship music she has released over the past few years are the four prophetic CDs of healing and restoration. Her prophetic flowing style on both the keyboard and vocally of the Book of Revelation and the Book of Proverbs are fast becoming the most requested music CDs! She and Harry have co-written 36 books with topics ranging from Mourning to Morning to Entering Rest – Be Still. Their book, We Who Worship, is designed to bring the reader into a deeper level of purity and intimacy with God in worship. Their marriage books Two Becoming One and Don’t Kill Each Other! Let God Do It! are great books for couples to read and are also used for couples Bible studies together.
Salem Family Ministries presents We Who Worship Gathering annually, a worship event, which includes worship, dance, art, musical theater and drama. They are walking out the Lord’s plan set before them for School of Worship, intensive training sessions, where the Salems teach, impart, and personally work with students to help them grow to the next level in their worship life and ministry.
Both Harry and Cheryl are sought-after ministers, who speak in churches and events across the nation. Harry has a heart for men, preaching and teaching on overcoming issues in life. Cheryl is a popular preacher at ladies events, encouraging women to reach their godly potential, but the focus of Salem Family Ministries is to take this unique, tag-team style of ministry into churches, two by two, to reach families for God, one by one.