April Partner Letter

by CFAITH Staff | Articles, Christian Living

“He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee,” Luke 24:6 NIV

As we approach the month of April, we prepare for Resurrection Day! Each day is closer to our Lord catching up to heaven, all the believers in Christ. Since our Lord was resurrected and seated with God in heaven, we have been looking for the day.

To prepare for this, believers have been sharing the love of Christ with as many people as they can. This is being accelerated even more as the day comes closer. The hope we celebrate every Resurrection Day pushes us through difficult times here on earth. We have the hope of heaven, the hope of God’s eternal love, and the hope of being reunited with loved ones. We have hope that the resurrection of Jesus was just the beginning. It was the beginning of something great at work in our lives and this world. It was the beginning of God’s glory revealed here on this earth. May you be encouraged with hope. Let the hope of heaven refresh whatever situations you are facing. Let it stir your heart that God is on your side and He loves you dearly. We cannot comprehend what that day will look like when we are united with our Savior, but we have hope!

At that moment, we will not be bothered by the light. We will not have to squint. I believe it will penetrate such healing, glory, and presence of LOVE that we will only reach out and try to get to Him faster. The dead in Christ rise first; I imagine them going to the Father like floating balloons, yet much more beautiful seeds of God to be planted in their home for eternity. They will be watered and fed and continue to grow without weeds in a far better place without the enemy’s distractions and diversions.

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“For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” Cor. 15:21-22 NIV

While we anticipate the church age to end, we must stir our hearts like hot coals in a fire, igniting our faith and love for God to be able to share with others His unfailing love.

cfaith staff

“And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.” 1 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

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