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Buddy Harrison and his wife, Pat, were co-founders of Faith Christian Fellowship International Church. He served as president of the organization from 1978 until he went home to be with the Lord on November 28, 1998.

The Lord instructed Buddy to be a pastor to pastors and Ministers, providing guidance for them in the spiritual and natural realms. FCF International is in relationship with more than 1000 churches and 2000 ministers globally. As the co-founder and chairman of Harrison House Publishers, Buddy obeyed God's vision provide ministers a vehicle by which to put their message in print.

Buddy Harrison successfully incorporated his knowledge and skills of the corporate world with the Lord's calling on his life. As an anointed teacher and astute businessman, he traveled the world sharing these steps to success and favor.

Remember Mercy

Remember Mercy

Some individuals have accepted "the faith message" but developed a hard attitude, especially regarding healing. To them it is: Believe God or die! Unfortunately this is often how the faith message is portrayed. It is that without faith it is impossible to please...

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