Author Archive for Joe McGee
Putting First Things First

Putting First Things First

It's a new year- a new beginning.It's a time of year when we re-evaluate our lives and goals. In all our planning and goal setting we must remember to put first things first. The Word makes it clear where our priorities should be, and it also makes it clear the...

Living the Satisfied Life

Living the Satisfied Life

The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. – John 10:10 Are you living a satisfying life? It’s God’s will that you do.Here are three ways you can begin to live the satisfying life God has called you...

Scriptures for Traveling

Scriptures for Traveling

Prayer isn’t a religious thing; it’s a legal thing. We are told to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16-18) and that includes praying over our traveling! God watches over His Word, so let’s give Him something to work with by praying.Here are scripture verses to pray...

God, the BEST Father Ever!

God, the BEST Father Ever!

Did you know you had the best father?Many of us might think of our parents and say we definitely have the best dad in the whole world. Sadly, there are those of us who haven’t had good fathers and our view of that role is one of disappointment or hurt.Whether your...

Four Keys to Self-Worth

Four Keys to Self-Worth

We can't let our worth be determined by our circumstances. Those can change, but God's Word stays the same. How you see yourself matters. Your self-image affects every area of your life—your goals, who you marry, your mental and physical health, your...

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