Jesus Loves You… Now Pass It On!

by Stephen Shives | Valentine's Day

We must realize we must not only obey Christ’ command to show love, but we also need to be loved as well. This month millions of people will give cards, flowers, chocolates, and a multitude of other things as an expression of love to those they care about.  The fact is there are many people that we may show love to, and never receive love in return. Some people do not know how to show love. Perhaps that’s why Valentine’s Day is so popular. It has managed to pre-package little expressions of love, for those who may not know how to express it any other way.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, “Without love I am nothing…”

We often refer to this passage in regard to showing our love to others. But it is equally important that we realize, not only how much we must obey Christ’ command to show love, but also how much we need to be loved as well.

Yes, we are called by God to love our neighbors; but they will not benefit from the love that we show, until they unlock the blessings by loving us back. As a pastor, it doesn’t matter how good my preaching is; if my congregation does not sincerely love me, they will neither listen to nor benefit from my ministry. However, when love is mutual between two or more individuals, a power is released beyond human ability.

We are living in the most exciting time in the history of Christianity. We live in the wealthiest nation in the world, in an age of jet planes, television, radio, and the Internet. For the first time in history, the world is literally at our fingertips.

I wonder sometimes what Peter or the Apostle Paul would have done if they had had all the resources we have at our disposal.  God has trusted us with this generation. He did not say, “Go get rich”, “Go have fun”, or “Go impress the world.” He told us to “Go preach.” With no fancy churches or big salaries, twelve disciples (walking nearly everywhere they went) managed to do just that. And by doing so, the gospel has been kept alive to this day. Now the weight is on our shoulders. Think what we could do if we really took it serious!

God’s love reaches far beyond a box of chocolates or a dozen long-stemmed roses. It is grounded in the fact that man is an eternal soul. And God desperately wants us to spend eternity with Him. That was the love Jesus imparted to us when He gave His life as an eternal sacrifice, so that we could be the beneficiaries of a love that truly does last forever.

This is why it is so important for us to be connected to a body of Christian believers. The church is intended to be more than a social club. It is a place where the super-natural gifts of God are to be released, and the people of God can be strengthened to take His love out into the streets on a daily basis.

 If you don’t have a church home where power of God’s love flows freely to you and through you, I urge you to find that special place where God can do remarkable things in your life. We need the strength that comes from being loved. And we need to discover the significance of giving it.

Jesus loves you… pass it on!

Copyright © Lighthouse Christian Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Steve has been married to his wife Noel for 43 years. He has 3 grown daughters and 4 grandchildren. Steve started preaching at the age of 17 and was asked to assume his first pastorate at the age of 19.

Steve has over 40 years of pastoring and teaching experience in the United States. Steve was Senior Pastor over 3 churches in Pennsylvania and South Carolina. He also served as a teaching Pastor in 2 other churches.

Steve has also traveled as a conference speaker for the Body of Christ in 22 different states. While working as a teaching pastor and conference speaker, he helped to develop a ministry for men, training for leaders, small groups, discipleship training, and equipping classes for adults.

Steve's passion is teaching, training, and making disciples through the sharing of God's word.

He hopes to use the gifting, experience, and call of God to aid AFM in developing leaders for the future to carry the Gospel of Jesus wherever they are called to serve.

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