One Step at a Time

by Marty Copeland | Uncategorized

As a certified personal trainer and nutritional counselor, Marty Copeland receives many questions at her seminars and through letters. All of her answers are grounded in the reality that freedom from the bondage of weight comes only through the knowledge of God’s covenant and the power of His Anointing.

Second Peter 1:3 says that He has given us “all things” that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us unto glory and virtue. Marty teaches that a strong, healthy body is very much a part of every believer’s covenant rights, and that it’s God’s will for everyone to attain victory through the power of His Anointing.

The following are Marty’s answers to some frequently asked questions that will start you on your journey to success in weight loss and fitness through the Word of God.

I have tried every diet on the market, and I still can’t seem to lose weight. What do you recommend?
First, let me say that you are not alone. Did you know there is a 95 percent failure rate in losing weight and keeping it off permanently?

The world doesn’t have the answers. It should be no surprise that when believers have tried to win the battle of the bulge through the world’s system, they’ve failed. I know because I have been right where you are and have experienced what you’re going through.

But I am here to tell you that you can get there from here. You can get to the fullness of the Anointing in the area of eating through the knowledge of God. So, be encouraged!

Here’s what I suggest you do.

First, get to know Jesus in your quest to lose weight. The spiritual things have to come first because you are a spirit. You live in a body. If you want your spirit to dominate your body, you have to feed your spirit; you have to renew your mind to train your flesh. That’s why you have to acquaint yourself with God in the areas of nutrition and exercise. In other words, you have to have something to fight with.

Second, cast down every imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5). That knowledge includes life, health, exercise and nutrition.

The reason many of us have missed it in the past in the area of eating right and losing weight is because we haven’t “known God” in weight loss. We’ve known natural man’s wisdom. For example, eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight. That’s a fact but there’s no power in knowing that.

We can only take our thoughts captive with the supernatural power of God. The power to overcome is in the truth of God’s Word. When the temptation to overeat comes, we must immediately cast it down. It takes a mind renewed with God’s Word to cast down imaginations.

Third, concentrate on the “dos” and not on the “don’ts.” If you do what is right, the don’ts will take care of themselves.

This is one of the most successful principles I have seen in my one-on-one counseling. I’ll ask someone, “How many glasses of water do you drink a day?” Often, the answer will be, “One or two.” When I ask, “OK, how many fruits and vegetables do you eat a day?” that person may say, “One or two.”

What I have discovered is that not very much is being done right. So, that’s where we begin-doing the dos of what God said is good. While drinking six to eight glasses of water, eating two to three fruits and three to seven servings of vegetables a day may be our ultimate goal, we don’t start there. I will tell that person to begin drinking four or five glasses of water each day as well as eating at least two pieces of fruit and two vegetables each day.

If you will take one step of faith at a time to do something that you are not already doing, you will be one step closer to the kind of perfection the Bible calls us to. Bible perfection means to be complete, wanting nothing. All you have to do is jump on course because there is an upward call that pulls you toward perfection: “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:4).

It seems I always begin a workout plan with great intentions, but I never stick with it. How can I become more consistent in my exercising?
I work out three to five times per week, and honestly, I rarely want to work out, but I have trained myself to do it. I make a deal with myself every time. I say, “Marty, get dressed and just get on the treadmill.” That doesn’t seem so hard.

Even though I have trained long enough that I could do it, I rarely get on the treadmill with the intention of running two or three miles. I always set my goal at one mile. But, here’s what happens: Once I’ve completed one mile, I say, “I’m going to go another half mile today.” And, invariably, I run at least two miles total, and I always feel great when I get done.

This will work for you, too, because once you are actually exercising, it doesn’t seem so hard. So, start at your own fitness level, set little goals and boundaries, and ask yourself—”What’s it going to take to get me there?” For some that may be 5-10 minutes on the treadmill at first, then working up from there. (Don’t forget to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise or nutrition program.)

You might need a workout partner for accountability. I have one. If you are committed to someone else, you’ll be more faithful to your exercise routine.

You know what else really helps me? Prayer. I use the prayer card from Arise and Walk!, and I pray that over my exercise time. That prayer is based on 10 scriptures and it says,

“Father God, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice. I offer this time of exercise to You as a time of worship—to glorify You in my body. I purpose in my heart to sow self-control, endurance and faithfulness, and I believe I receive a one hundredfold return. I earnestly expect to become more and more like Jesus, therefore I press on toward that goal, for the prize of my high calling. I decree that with every step I take, I am increasing in health, strength and discipline. Thank You for anointing me to succeed as I prove Your good and perfect will in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

I’ve heard you make reference to a “body/finance” connection in your teaching. What exactly is that?
The body/finance connection is simply this: health and wealth are spiritually connected. The prosperity of your body is as much a part of your covenant as the prosperity of your finances. Let me explain how I arrived at this truth.

One afternoon, as I was praying for people’s deliverance from food addiction, the Lord dropped these words into my heart. He said, Trying to lose weight without presenting your body as a living sacrifice is like trying to prosper financially without tithing. It just won’t work.

Any time we step outside of God’s Word, we step outside of covenant rights and privileges. On the other hand, when we line up with God’s Word, we activate supernatural power on our behalf.

As we become better stewards of our bodies, we will simultaneously see an increase in our ability to steward our finances.

Romans 12:1 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies—presenting all your members and faculties—as a living sacrifice, holy [devoted, consecrated] and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable [rational] service and spiritual worship” (AMP).

Why does God ever ask anything of us? So He can get something to us. The decision to present your body to God opens the door for blessings.

As you submit your body to God as a living sacrifice, He will get involved in your eating habits, in your weight loss and in the health of your body. Why? Because He wants you walking in perfect health and abundant wealth.

Say this:

God lives inside me. I have my body because of God. It’s not my own. I’ve been bought with a price. Father, I honor the blood of Jesus by submitting my body to You, a living sacrifice. Now, Father, I’m expecting You to bless it.

I challenge you to study 2 Peter 1:2-4 and ask God to reveal to you the “things” that pertain to your life and your godliness. Educate yourself in nutrition and exercise—through the knowledge of Him. You will unleash supernatural power! You can get there from here!

Kenneth Copeland Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Marty Copeland is a wife, mother of 3, a Master Personal Trainer and Nutritional Guidance Counselor. Most importantly, she is here, doing this, because she has experienced first hand that God not only desires to help us reach our health and fitness goals, but He has the perfect plan that will lead us to a lifestyle of freedom and self-control. She has come to know that true health is more than just having a strong and healthy body-though that is something we should all enjoy. True health also includes a strong spirit and soul. It is when our spirits are full and our minds are strong that living a healthy lifestyle becomes easy.

God's desire for all of us is life, peace and joy in every area . No matter who you are, where you are in life, or what fitness level you are at, there is always room for improvement-you can always go higher. We simply can not exhaust God's ability to make us better. Marty believes with all of her heart that God has called her team and herself to equip you and your family with what you need to go higher, spirit soul and body.

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