Learn the Language of Success

by Charles Capps | Articles, Faith

So many times when people pray, they only pray the problem. “Dear God, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I owe all this money! I’ve lost my job! No money is coming in. Lord, I’ll never get these bills paid! This is a big mountain in my life, Lord, and I pray that You’ll move it out of the way. Please do something about these problems”.

In a prayer like this, the goal is set only on the problem; and as it is prayed, the impulse is released to the heart to produce that goal. But Jesus said that the Father knows what we have need of, even before we ask Him (Matthew 6:8) Our part is to pray the answer.

Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Word says that whatever I desire, when I pray, believe I receive it and I shall have it. So I am doing that now. I have given, so I believe that it is being given unto me—good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. I proclaim that all my needs are met according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I can pray this, Father, because it is according to Your Word, and I know that Your Word works!

When you pray such a prayer as this, there will be people around you who will try to talk you out of it. Don’t listen to them. Set your goal on the solution and keep it there!

One lady said she received healing for arthritis after hands were laid on her in the name of Jesus. She was almost totally well for several months. Then people started calling her and leading her into conversations like this: “How are you doing”? “Oh, I’m just doing fine”. “Well, you know these things come back sometimes. Don’t you feel any pain”? “Well, yes, there is just a little bit”. “Yes, that’s what I thought”.

That lady said she began to listen to that until she eventually lost her healing. When she started talking about her problems, her mind was soon back on the arthritis and it came back on her.

I can never overemphasize the importance of the words you speak. Jesus said that we will have whatsoever we say. (Mark 11:23-24) We cannot talk sickness and disease and expect to walk in health. The same is true of prosperity. We cannot continue saying things like, “We never can afford the things we need”, and expect to walk in prosperity.

It may be true that you can’t afford very much at that time, but don’t talk about it. Instead, keep your words in line with God’s Word: “I have given, so I know it is given unto me. It’s mine now even though I don’t see it. It belongs to me. God said it is mine, so I am going to believe God”!

God’s faith will never fail and God’s Word will never fail, but you can cause your own faith to fail by getting your eye on the problem. Learn the language of success and practice it.

The Three D’s of Business

  1. Don’t curse your own fig tree. Don’t speak against your finances, your car, or your business.
  2. Don’t substitute faith for good business practices. There is an element of common sense that must be included. Don’t forget it.
  3. Don’t substitute formula for principle. Don’t just speak your desire, but believe what you say will come to pass. Believe everything you speak out your mouth will come to pass.

When you believe what you are saying, you are releasing spiritual forces. It
won’t work just because you say it, but saying it is involved in working the principle.

Do These Things To MakeYour Way Prosperous

  • Set your goal on prosperity by knowing God’s will for your success.
  • Recognize the Kingdom as the Source of supply.
  • Seek the Source (Kingdom) instead of things.
  • Sow good seed in the Kingdom.
  • Obey God’s Word by doing the sayings of Jesus.
  • Be a giver and not a grabber.
  • Don’t take thought by saying wrong things.
  • Continue to speak God’s Word concerning prosperity.

If you will begin to apply these principles today, then you will make your way prosperous and you will have good success.

Charles Capps Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Charles Capps is a retired farmer, land developer, and Bible teacher who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and several foreign countries sharing the truths of God's Word. He has taught Bible seminars for over 35 years, emphasizing the authority of the believer, faith and the power of words.

Charles and Peggy both have their roots in the rich farmland of Lonoke County, Arkansas. Having been raised by parents who were farmers, Charles began farming cotton, soybeans, and rice immediately after graduating from high school and marrying in 1951.

Peggy, being 3 1/2 months older than Charles had to sign as the adult on his behalf when he wanted to begin flying lessons at the age of 17. They joined an organization known as the Flying Farmers and gained experience going to "fly-ins" and national meetings across the United States. Neither knew that this skill of flying would be such an asset later when Charles began teaching personal evangelism in the 1960's. He spoke on the subject of soulwinning in churches not only in the US, but flew his twin engine Piper Comanche to the Bahamas to teach students of Youth With a Mission how to share Christ with others.

After reading a book by Kenneth E. Hagin entitled, "Authority of the Believer", Charles and Peggy's life took on a new dimension of travel and ministry as Charles became known for his teaching gift and insight on the subjects of faith and confession. Invitations to minister to the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) began to pour in, eventually leading to the publication of his teachings in book form. "The Tongue a Creative Force" and "God's Creative Power(r) Will Work for You" became bestsellers after Buddy Harrison, Kenneth Hagin's son in law, launched his publishing company with these two classics. These two books have sold millions (the God's Creative Power(r) series has sold over 5 million copies) and are still much in demand today.

We celebrated Charles' promotion to heaven at 5:15 pm Sunday, February 23, 2014. He informed the family and close friends on Friday that he would be going home to heaven in 3 days. After having some final words with family and friends on Saturday, he went to bed, went to sleep and never awoke. (He kept saying, "I want to go in my sleep.") His wife and daughters had the privilege of being with him as he finally got that glorified body he always talked about. Charles Capps was a man of integrity, a man of his word and he got what he said. He called those things that be not as though they were.

Charles Capps broadcast called, "Concepts of Faith", continues a daily national radio broadcast and a weekly television broadcast aired over several networks, satellite, and the internet. Click on the Radio or TV link to find the broadcast in your area.

Peggy continues to reside in Arkansas. Both Charles' and Peggy's daughters, Annette and Beverly are involved in the ministry.

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